Next Level Rugby takes the maintenance of health and safety extremely seriously as a matter of both legal and moral importance. The staff will always strive to go beyond the minimum statutory standards to ensure that health and safety remains the first priority

Next Level Rugby aims to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all staff, children, visitors and other individuals. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 and their associated Approved Code of Practice (ACoP) and guidance will be complied with at all times. It is vital to ensure that all members of staff and other persons who are affected by the Club’s activities take health and safety matters seriously. Staff who have been found to have blatantly disregarded safety instructions or recognised safe practices will be subject to the procedures laid out in the Staff Disciplinary Procedures policy. 

Staff are responsible for ensuring that the provisions of the Health and Safety policy are adhered to at all times. As such, they are required to:

- Take reasonable care for their own health and safety as well as of other persons who may be affected by their acts 

- Report any accidents, incidents or dangerous occurrences that have led to, or may in the future be likely to lead to, injury or damage, and assist in the investigation of any such events.

- Undergo relevant health and safety training when instructed to do so by their employer

- Maintain an environment that is safe and without risk to health. 

The Registered Person holds ultimate responsibility and liability for ensuring that Next Level Rugby operates in a safe and hazard free manner. The Registered Person will ensure that adequate arrangements exist for the following:

- The organisation will identify a designate a trained health and safety officer.